Logan and I went to Mother Nature's Farm today and we were lucky enough to have all my sisters, nephews and sisters in laws come. (except for Holly, Riley and Brody) It was a lot of fun, Logan just kept going around, picking up pumpkins and tossing them back on the ground, (maybe he thought he was bowling). He finally picked out the perfect pumpkin and got to decorate it with Halloween stickers. Unfortunately, Chad couldn't come cause he is Colorado getting some dental work done by his awesome uncle.
Aunt Jill and Logan on the tractor

The boys

Hmmmm, which one do I want?

Decorating his pumpkin

On the hay ride (smelled like gas, BAD)

Logan and I at lunch with my sisters, Kaiden and Ian.

Logan loves his cousin, Kaiden

thanks! :) I'm jealous you guys got to go to a pumpkin patch, it looks like you guys had a lot of fun!
That is so fun:) Love all the pictures:) I really want to take the kids to pick out pumkins so we can carve them!
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