Sunday, October 12, 2008

No longer BABY Logan

Here are some new facts about Logan:
*He totally has the walking thing down, but he just can't seem to give up the "arms in the air" walk. He looks just like a penguin everywhere he goes. I love that I don't have to carry him all the time and he loves the freedom to just get up and go.
*He has learned to say yes (and know what it means) He loves to take showers and when asked if he wants to take a shower he nods his head, says ya ya and starts heading for our room. He also know when he is ready for bed cause he does the same thing when asked if he wants to go night night (except goes to his room, not mine) He knows the difference between yes and no and it is so nice to know what he wants.
*He thinks burping is so much fun, he laughs hysterically everytime anyone burps.
*He can drink out of a straw (this is actually old news, but I don't think I blogged that)
*He can hold his own against Kaiden. Kaiden picks on him , but now Logan retaliates. It's funny.
*He LOVES eating whatever anyone has on their plate, even if he has JUST eaten. He is kind of a pig. He is still addicted to baby food and wont eat adult food out of his own bowl, he has to eat yours.
*He still loves his books ( which I love because they don;t make noise)
*He is still an awesome dancer...the head bob is his favorite. He has to dance in the car and he knows a good beat when he hears one.

1 comment:

Chelsey Howard said...

Logan is so funny! He grew up so fast!!! I can't believe how big he is and all the things that he can do!