Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Time flies

Logan Pooped on the Potty For The First Time Today!!!!!!YAY!!!!

Logan has started to "talk back" to everyone
*If Logan asks a silly question I will say "duh" after my answer and he says, "no YOU duh"

*If I say okee dokee, he says "no YOU okee dokee"

*Me: "Logan eat your dinner" Logan: "No YOU eat your dinner"

Logan has been watching Chad very closely when he brushes his teeth, Chad does not use a cup to rinse out his mouth, he just sticks his whole face under the faucet and drinks the water. We just got Logan a stool to reach the sink to wash his hands and brush his teeth. The first thing he did was stick his whole face under the faucet to drink the water. He gets water EVERYWHERE. It is so cute.

If I ask Logan if he needs to pee he says, "No I just went two hours" Ok so that is not a sentence, but it is so funny, he just leaves you hangin.

If he can't see you, he runs through the house yelling "Where are you? Where are you?"

He asks "why?" to everything. I never thought kids really asked why all the time, but it has begun with him.

He LOVES to turn on the Christmas tree lights, he will come up and say, "mommy come look at light, me hold your hand" and then he leads me over and shows me all his ornaments on the tree. Even though it's the millionth time I have seen them, I am just as overjoyed as the first. Christmas time is so amazing, especially now that we have Logan, it means so much more.

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