Saturday, October 10, 2009

Super Sculpting

Logan LOVES his Cranium Clay book. He gets to mold things and place them in different scenes. Usually all he really wants to do is have me roll it into a bunch of balls, but tonight he wanted a tree, bug, elephant and fireworks. This is what we created:


Anjanette Friestad Ricketts said...

I can't believe how big Logan is! He does look four! I promise when this stupid class is over we will get together! I have this week and then next week is the final. YEAH!! We miss you guys!!

Chelsey Howard said...

that's so fun:) I love that playdough keeps them so entertained but I'm not so in love with the mess. Sad, Shea has school Friday and after that were leaving to go camping:( I would say Wednesday, but she has school then too:( Maybe next week? Tuesday and Thursdays are best for me, those are the only days she doesnt have school.