Saturday, March 29, 2008

Logan is so fascinated with fishies. Our Walmart trip always includes a few minutes of hanging out at the fish tanks so he can stare in awe of these wierd little creatures swimming in water. Kids are so fun to watch as they stand in amazement of the things we take for granted in the world (not just fishies, we take for granted a lot of simple things in life.) They don't need fancy expensive toys to play with just give them a piece of paper and they will be entertained for a whole grocery shopping trip. For instance, I got Logan one of those shopping cart things with the pads and all the cool toys on it and he completely ignored the toys and pulled an envelope (my grocery list) out of mommy's purse and played with that the whole time. He amazes me every day.


Sarah said...

What a stud! I love the fishy picture. Soooooooo, are you going to get him a fish? Squeeze his cheeks for me.

Chelsey Howard said...

I know the simple things they love are so adorable. Like the fishes, I mean come on what adult really cares to watch the fish at walmart. He's precious. And yes Shea got over the poop insedent. She fell asleep right after you guys left, she was just tired. And poor lilly has the flu (for 3 days now)!

Lacey T said...

Hey, I got onto Shabby Tulips to download things into photobucket and made my own template. Or, you can go to and get one of hers. Also, if you want a unique header, go to Let me know if you need some help!

Chelsey Howard said...

I know I don't have my freaking phone. We've been at my mom's since Sunday afternoon cause trev. had a doc. apt. and the next day the girls had a doc. apt. too. And I'm an idiot, in my rush to get the kids in the car I left my phone at home. But we are coming home today (Tuesday). But the girls are STILL sick, so we'll have to wait until they get better.

Anjanette Friestad Ricketts said...

Oh my gosh, Kaleb does the same thing!We aways have to go by the fish or he throws a fit!!