Thursday, June 3, 2010

Funny things

When we are driving on the freeway and the road is curvy Logan says " mommy, we driving in circles"

Logan was stretching and yawning after his nap and his arm was shaking all by itself and he said "mommy, my arm is bumping"

We went to our first movie (Charolettes Web) for the Summer Movie Fun at Harkins yesterday and right before it started, when it got all quiet Logan yelled out "yay spider" (he is the kid in the movie that is always yelling out cute, funny stuff)

Logan looks at my belly and says "your baby's getting big" (glad he thinks its just the baby getting big and not me)

Logan was so tired yesterday for his nap, but he just got really hyper and was playing and laughing at EVERYTHING. (This was our conversation)

Me: Logan, you are acting like you're drunk (probably not the BEST thing to say)
Logan: That's a good name
Me: What's a good name?
Logan: Drunk's a good name

(we have been trying so hard to find a baby name that we like, Chad and I can not agree on anything. guess Logan is trying to help.)

When Logan sings his Abc's he ALWAYS leaves out the letter "j"
when he ends the song, he sings "now I know MINE Abc's"

Logan went pee in the potty the other days and
he said: " wow mom, that's a lot"
I said: "ya and it's really yellow"
he said " ya mom it's yellow...not purple"

Logan like to pretend we are animals or other things sometimes so he calls me "mommy bird" or "mommy sweetheart" and I have to refer to him as "baby bird" or "baby sweetheart." I get in trouble if I call him Logan, he will say "no, you call me baby

Logan's nicknames are:
Big boy
Logi bear

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