Friday, January 29, 2010

In Logan's words

Every time we go out to eat, Logan puts his cup in the air (to the waiter) and says "Dr. Pepper...thank you" So I can look at this two ways, either we drink to much dr pepper or my son is REALLY polite....I would like to think he is just really polite.

Logan always wants to go to the park and lately he requests either really early in the morning or after the sun goes down. I tell him its too cold to go now and he says "no mommy it's fofect (perfect) out there."

Last night Logan was looking for the moon and I said "we probably can't see it cause it's too cloudy out" and he says "the moon is laying down, it's sleeping"

Every time we ask Logan a question and he is not quite sure of the answer, he starts off with..."prolly....(probably)
Me: "Logan, what do you want for dinner?"
Logan :Prolly.......a taco."

When Logan REALLY wants something he has learned to say the word "need"
Logan: "mommy, my want candy."
Me: "No Logan, you need to eat dinner first"
Logan: "But my neeeeeed it."

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