Friday, May 1, 2009

Calling all crazy peoople

Even though I have worked in the E.R for almost 3 yrs now and I have seen the STUPIDEST complaints (like a broken joke) I am SHOCKED at how many people are CONVINCED they have the swine flu. It is absolutely ridiculous. We have seen SOOOO many patients this week that are checking in for "flu like symptoms." They don't even give the Dr a chance to ask what is going on before they diagnose themselves.People are absolutely crazy. I should be used to the retarded pt complaints by now, but the craziness never stops. Could it be that you simply have a stomach bug, a cold or you have abd cramping b/c of your menstrual cycle? O NO No's the swine flu. Definitely the swine flu. It would be different if these people ACTUALLY HAD SYMPTOMS of the swine flu, I would for sure have sympathy for them, but a fever does not necessarily mean you have it.
Sorry about this frustrated post, but it is just crazy.

1 comment:

Chelsey Howard said...

Seriously!!! I hear ya, its insane!! And hello, its expensive. I only take my kids to the doc. if they need shots or have been sick for 3 or more days with out it getting any better. People are so paraniod.