So my mom's birthday was last week and her request for her birthday was to get a picture blown up of me, my sisters and the boys. We chose the last one, but I thought I would just post most of them for fun. We don't really get together (all of us) that often so it's always fun when we do. Jill and Ian just moved down to Gilbert so hopefully we see them more often than when they lived in Casa Grande. Logan is now walking full force and he was not very cooperative with the picture taking process, he would rather go up the stairs or play with Gracie (Jill's dog) so that was a very fun experience. As you can see we could not all get the perfect pose of face all together in the same picture so they are kinda funny to look at. Thank you to Ian (Jill's husband), our camera man who was so patient.

Kaiden wants to get down, Logan has a weird "grin" and Jill is totally model material.

As you can see in this picture the boys are not thrilled about the picture taking. Jackie's favorite cause her hair is PERFECT.By the way, could I sit any more slouched?

Kaiden has the "fake" smile down pat.